Severity of Text Neck

Medical Diagnosis

Text neck may sound made up; however, it has become an actual medical diagnosis in our technological day and age. Many people suffer from text neck if they are active in daily texting, social media, or gaming. When your neck is subluxated, or misaligned, many health issues can stem from your neck. The main thing the medical field  shares on this topic is usually symptoms, but it is more important to talk about prevention. The missing link in health care is the definition of true health. Health is the optimal functioning and healing of our body, not merely the absence of disease. So although our daily lives evolve, we have the information to prevent these negative effects on our body from happening.

Importance of Spine and Nervous System

Any medical advice you receive should link back to the definition of health. Always ask, “Is this going to help me function and heal better or is it going to interfere with my body’s ability to function and heal?” The central nervous system controls these two aspects from the beating of your heart to the digestion in your stomach.

Correct Spinal Curve

Normal healthy necks have a nice 40-45 degree curve. When this curve is extended or lowered, the disks in your neck have uneven weight which cause nerve damage, pain, and irritation. Maintaining a healthy curve in your neck and overall spine is important given the fact you only get one spine. It is important to keep up with it. The typical response is when symptoms occur. Issues with the neck lead to numbness, tingling in your arms, sciatic nerve pain, leg pain, and more. We want to educate others to prevent these symptoms from happening. There is a misconception to wait until something is wrong to fix it, but following prevention will avoid these health issues completely. You hold the ability to be proactive in your health.

5 Ways to Focus on Prevention

1. Posture

Being aware of your posture while sitting, driving, and even standing will keep your body in alignment preventing unwanted curvature.

2. Sitting

Make it a point to stand every 15-20 minutes to deviate from prolonged sitting. Invest in a stand up desk or swap your chair for an exercise ball.

3. Screen Time

Limiting screen time, especially for children, will be extremely preventative. Screen time has additional health effects where limiting would be beneficial.

4. Backpack

Make sure kids are aware of posture when carrying a backpack. The extra weight can cause people to hunch over or slouch backward.

5. Sleeping

Avoid sleeping on your stomach. The best position to keep your neck in proper alignment is sleeping on your back.

The Fix

So what if you already have text neck? It is highly recommended to get x-rays from your chiropractor to know how misaligned your neck is. Primary doctors will be able to do this, but typically recommend exercise and medication. Visit a chiropractor to fix your current situation where you will receive adjustments, protocols for protection, and exercises specifically tailored to your neck.

If you live in the Matthews/Charlotte area here in North Carolina, or would like a recommendation to other chiropractors in your area, contact us here. We would love to be in contact with you!