A Practical Foundation for True Weight Loss

Dieting FADs

There are many diets and programs spread over the internet, television, and books. When a person chooses to try multiple programs, it is referred to as “yo-yo dieting.” This involves completing a program, but gaining the weight back after the program ends. Each program promises weight loss, but what happens when the program is over? How do you maintain the weight you are looking to achieve?

Create a Foundation

Instead of it being black and white, weight loss is truly dependent on your body. Many factors play a role in weight loss including hormones, calories, diet, exercise, and more. For example, if your hormones are imbalanced and not working properly you will have a hard time losing weight. If you are consuming an immense amount of calories, you will inevitably gain more weight. A true weight loss program needs to be individualized, but a general weight loss can be founded on these five crucial steps.

5 Foundation Tips for Long-term Weight Loss

1. Remove Certain Foods

The main foods you want to remove are sugar, grains, bad fats, and dairy. The majority of many people’s diet contains each of these foods mainly stemming from the food pyramid given to us promoting these food groups. There are many diets such as the Keto and Paleo, but the only diet to focus on is an anti-inflammatory diet. Inflammation is what causes weight gain, imbalanced hormones, and disease. The body creates a natural anti-inflammatory called cortisol. When you eat these foods causing inflammation, cortisol increases, and your body goes into survival mode. When your body is in this stress state, you will gain weight and sustain an imbalance of hormones.

2. Intermittent Fasting

When you do intermittent fasting, it gives your body time to heal and reset. When you limit the window of time you are eating, you eat less and your body uses stored energy (fats) during the fasting state. Working out in your fasting period will also kick your body into burning fat faster. A common way to do IF is fasting 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window. More benefits from this system of eating include boosting your immune and digestive system, lowers insulin levels, oxidizes your body, and more.

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Movement and exercise are vital for weight loss. This type of workout, however, is beneficial due to its duration in time and health benefits. HIIT does not raise stress levels or interfere with hormones. It also does not burn muscle; instead, it keeps you in a fat-burning mode. Sometimes the type of workouts you do can make your body hold onto weight due to the excess of stress you are putting on your body. HIIT workouts can be as short as 10-20 minutes long and utilize your fat as energy even after the workout is complete.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps improve digestion, breaks down food, and improves your microbiome. It is recommended to take one shot of ACV in an 8 oz. glass of water first thing in the morning and can be repeated right before bed. This also stabilizes blood sugar levels and keeps insulin levels down. You can research the many health benefits ACV has along with supporting weight loss.

5. Don’t Eat Before Bed

Make sure the last thing you eat is 3-4 hours before going to bed. When you go to sleep, your body uses glucose to regenerate your body. After your body burns through glucose, it will produce ketones that shift your body into a fat-burning state. Begin by shifting late-night eating habits to drinking tea or ACV because it will not disrupt your fasting state.