Happy and Healthy Traveling

Vacation Season

Whether you’re an avid traveler or  go on a vacation once a year, there are many preventative ways to assure a healthy travel experience. Most vacations involve indulgence of food and drinks followed by a week of your body recovering. After eating certain foods, you may feel fatigued which disables you to enjoy your vacation to the fullest. Most vacations also cost tons of extra money solely due to going out to eat. Luckily, we have some tips to help you out!

Health Concerns Over Time

One of the main places that is impacted while traveling is your spine. Your spine is connected to your nervous system which controls the functioning and healing of your body. It is important to know how to prevent negative impact to your spine while also staying healthy during your travel experience.

3 Ways to Assure Healthy Traveling

1. Traveling Process

A healthy trip begins with the mindset going into it. Being aware of your posture while driving can prevent aches and pains during your travel experience. A posture tip for the car would look like arranging your rear view mirror high enough to where you can see, but also in a position to make you sit up straight. Having the seat leaned back, leaning to the side, or driving with one arm can cause misalignment over a long period of time.

2. Prolonged Sitting

Don’t go more than a couple hours sitting. At rest stops, make it priority to do some jumping jacks, squats, and stretches. Even during your drive, or ride on an airplane, you can wobble your body back and forth to keep your spine in movement. Other ways to take advantage of prolonged sitting is wiggling your toes and moving your legs.

3. What You Eat

Food for long road trips are typically purchased at a gas station along with caffeinated drinks. To avoid these options with high fructose corn syrup and other added sugars, go to your local grocery store to prepare in advance. Purchase organic whole foods that are convenient and healthy for your body to function such as bananas, blueberries, and coconut water. Even at your destination, instead of eating out purchase organic groceries like grass fed meat, free range eggs, and lots of fruits and vegetables. This saves money, time, and health.

Follow Up Trip

It is vital after traveling to visit your chiropractor. Getting back to your normal routine adjustments will keep your spine aligned and strong. Your chiropractor will be able to adjust specific areas effected by long distance driving, airplane rides, and more. Your body will thank you after traveling.

If you live in the Matthews/Charlotte area here in North Carolina, or would like a recommendation to other chiropractors in your area, contact us here. We would love to be in contact with you!