Find Your Headaches Underlying Cause

Underlying Cause

Headaches are an issue that a lot of people face. Headaches can come in many forms such as migraines, cervicogenic, hormonal, and more. We dive deeper than the symptoms to find the underlying cause of these headaches. Many environmental factors can cause headaches as well as internal factors. One way we help the underlying cause is by removing interference from your body. The most common issue we’ve seen from patients is an upper cervical, or neck, issue. When the bones in the upper part of your neck don’t move properly, it can cause muscle spasms and added tension. 

Scattered Solutions

Some of the ways to cause added tension to the neck daily, causing headaches, would be sitting at a desk all day or even sleeping on your stomach. Car accidents, sports injuries, and other incidents can also have a lasting impact on the upper part of your neck. 

A regular physician has around 2 hours of headache studies and a neurologist has had around 4 hours of headache studies within their normal training. The understanding of what’s causing a migraine is widely unknown in our world today. The research does not give an exact cause. However, over the years we have seen when interference is removed then symptoms begin to decrease or even stop.

4 Steps to Overcoming Headaches

1. Spinal Evaluation

It is vital to check your spine. When you get an x-ray, you will be able to see any areas that need help with removing the interference in your body. Interference in the body not only blocks your ability to heal but also causes symptoms of headaches and migraines.

2. Lifestyle

Keep track of the foods you eat that can affect headaches such as sugars and refined starches. Observe your environment at home for any additional toxic stressors that can trigger headaches. Eliminating things such as candles, air fresheners, cleaning products, and plastics around your house can reduce symptoms of a headache.

3. Getting Tested

In order to find the underlying cause, you need to test for certain causes. Since every person is unique, we would evaluate the test needed. Some testing for headaches would be a hormonal panel, digestive stool test, food allergy test, and others. Depending on the severity of your headache, your doctor might require an mri scan or any other diagnostic imaging to rule out other health issues. There is not just one answer across the board for everyone, which is why testing for underlying causes is vitally important. 

4. Protocol

Once you have been evaluated in all of the areas mentioned above, we create a specific protocol for you to follow so that your stressors reduce and the symptoms of your headaches alleviate or eliminate. When sticking to a personalized plan, we will be able to see improvements or other areas that need to be focused on. Doing so will allow your body to begin performing at its optimal ability.