Detoxify Your Body with Activated Charcoal

Just like there’s an “app” for everything, there’s a natural remedy for just about any health issue you can think of. Activated charcoal is one of those remedies. It’s a great substance for removing toxins from the body, and its uses are countless.

Stomach bug? Activated charcoal.

Kid accidentally swallowed a bottle of poison from your cabinet? Activated charcoal.

Got a big pimple on your forehead the day before your wedding? Activated charcoal.

Teeth yellow? Activated charcoal.

It sounds like a strange way to detox, but it works. I’ve seen it take a child sick with norovirus from throwing up every 15 minutes to sleeping for 6 hours straight and feeling completely normal again the next day. I recommend it to any of my patients who are looking for a natural detox solution. You can buy this stuff at any health food store or online, in capsule or powder form. And it can be used for a variety of ailments.

How does activated charcoal detox your body?

Activated charcoal has a porous surface with a negative electric charge. Most unwanted toxins and gas are positively charged, so if you’re familiar with the phrase, “opposites attract,” then you already know how this works. Very simply, the charcoal binds to unwanted toxins and gas to rid them from your body. Taking it regularly can help you detox your body from the toxins we take in every day from our air, food, water, and personal care products.

Here are a few unique uses for activated charcoal as a natural detoxifier:

Digestive problems. Whether you have indigestion from something you ate, or you caught a contagious stomach bug, this amazing substance can relieve the symptoms you’re experiencing within minutes.

Acne. Mix the powder form of activated charcoal with just enough water to make a paste and spread it on your face like a mask. Do this face mask treatment once or twice a week for 30 minutes each time, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how infrequent your breakouts will become.

Odor eliminator and teeth whitener. Brush your teeth with activated charcoal to relieve bad breath and whiten the enamel. I know it seems weird that you can use a black substance to whiten your teeth, but it’s true!

General detoxification. Even if you don’t have an ailment, you can still use activated charcoal to detox from eating processed foods or to prevent illness when you come in contact with someone who’s been sick. Because it binds to toxins that we take in every day, and which often lead to sickness, fatigue, and a host of other problems, you’re sure to notice a difference when you use it. Be sure to take it between meals and a few hours after taking vitamins and other supplements, as it may interfere with their absorption by your body.

Do you have a positive experience with activated charcoal as a natural detoxifier? Share it with us in the comments below!

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