Death By Sitting

The New Smoking

If someone asked you what the new smoking was today, would sitting come to mind? Prolonged sitting is the new smoking with the amount of negative effects it brings  to our bodies. The amount of time we sit and the posture of our spine, if not cautious, continues to worsen over time. Majority of jobs cause people to be hunched over looking at a computer which is not only effecting your spine, but is also effecting your overall health.

Sedentary Lifestyle

The typical daily routine starts and ends with sitting. From drinking a cup of coffee while scrolling through your phone in the morning to getting home from work and turning on the TV before bed. The Mayo Clinic found if you exercise every day yet spend over 2 hours of sitting in your day, it counteracts the benefits of your workout. In 2012, The Journal of Internal Medicine showed that prolonged sitting, regardless of your activity levels, increases all-cause mortality rates. With this sedentary lifestyle, it is proven our health is dropping. You shouldn’t go a day without spinal movement; movement is what feeds your brain.

Top 5 Ways to Conquer Prolonged Sitting

1. Wobble Cushion

This type of cushion is filled with air your can sit on at your desk. Every 15-30 minutes you can move to get a full range of motion while working from your desk.

2. Walking Meetings

This is beneficial for blood flow and spinal movement. When the brain is being stimulated, more ideas can flow with a clearer focus.

3. Alarm

Every 20-30 minutes, set an alarm or reminder to get up and walk around. This will keep your body in movement and activate your spine.

4. Standing Desk

This may not always be an option, but when it is possible these desks avoid all negative effects from sitting. You can find these online or you can easily create your own.

5. Chiropractic Care

Adjustments not only make sure your body is more resilient to stress, but also that every vertebrae is moving in your spine. With 90% of stimulation to the brain coming from spinal movement, this is a key to your health.

Stress in the Body

The World Health Organization came out and said the leading cause of death and disease boils down to stress. There are emotional, physical, and chemical types of stress and sitting alone causes a large amount of stress on the body. To specifically learn more about stress, visit our website’s blog called “Breaking Up With Stress.”

If you live in the Matthews/Charlotte area here in North Carolina, or would like a recommendation to other chiropractors in your area, contact us here. We would love to be in contact with you!