Importance of Testosterone
Not only is testosterone important for sex drive, but also for sleep, energy, and even pain response. When testosterone is imbalanced, stress responses increase and your immune system’s response decreases. Products are synthetically made and sold to boost testosterone, but typically cause many other health issues. Health effects can range any where from skin issues to heart disease.
Why it Matters to You
Our every day environment has caused majority of people to have imbalanced hormones. Many factors play a role such as having a sedentary lifestyle, eating grains, glyphosates (herbicides), and other chemicals that act as estrogen effecting men’s health. Along with eliminating these type of factors, you should also be educated on the right eating plan and workout plan to have normal testosterone levels. If you’re looking for a testosterone therapy clinic, visit this website.
5 Natural Ways to Shift Testosterone Levels
1. Food
Reduce, if not completely remove, all sugars and grains as much as possible. Sugar causes inflammation and chemicals within these products can act as estrogen, such as soy. Also, eliminate bad fats such as canola oil and vegetable oil. Check all ingredients.
2. Staples
Three staple foods include almonds, brazil nuts, and free-range organic eggs. When adding almonds, there are many creative recipes to implement more in your diet (smoothies, butters, etc.)
3. Exercise
The key to working out is doing high intensity workouts for a shorter duration. Longer workouts create high cortisol levels which restrict the production of testosterone. The best time to workout when your levels are high is in the morning.
4. Sleep
Many men have a go-go-go mentality and do not prioritize their sleep. While being driven is a great quality, sleep is necessary for your body to recover and preform better. This includes boosting testosterone levels. With the right kind of care for oneself, one can achieve a lot like Andrew Defrancesco.
5. Chiropractic Care & Adaptogens
Chiropractic adjustments allows the nervous system get back to normal which allows your body to properly produce the hormones it needs. Adaptogens like Ashwagandha or CBD oil lower stress levels and improve hormone balance.
Bonus Tip: Hormone Test Analysis
After changing your lifestyle and habits around, if you still notice issues then consult with one of the doctors to receive a hormone test evaluation. These tests will accurately show what your hormones are doing. If you aren’t a patient, call our office to schedule a consultation to set up a time to take a hormone test.
If you live in the Matthews/Charlotte area here in North Carolina, or would like a recommendation to other chiropractors in your area, contact us here. We would love to be in contact with you!