Children are often dubbed “little germ factories.” When they get around each other, they seem to pass illness around like candy, don’t they?
This is why it’s so important to take measures to prevent disease, especially during the school year. Here are a few tips we recommend to keep your children’s immune system strong as they head back to school in just a few weeks. (Some of these may surprise you…)
1. Teach your children to wash their hands frequently. Especially after using the restroom, before eating food, or after touching surfaces that a lot of other kids may touch. You may even want to include some natural, alcohol-free hand sanitizer or a cleansing essential oil in their backpacks in case they are unable to get to a sink for any reason. doTerra’s OnGuard and Purify essential oils are both great for preventing communicable diseases from spreading, and you can buy both from Dr. Holly by clicking here.
2. Avoid vaccinations. This may sound surprising to you, but vaccinations work by providing synthetic immunity, which wears off and sometimes does not even work at all to prevent the intended illness. We especially recommend that you avoid the flu shot, as it contains toxic ingredients and often does little-to-no good to actually prevent the flu. In contrast, by allowing your child to contract normal childhood illnesses like chickenpox or even measles, you ensure that they build up natural immunity, which lasts a lifetime, unlike the temporary synthetic immunity that vaccines provide.
3. Make sure they spend lots of time outside. Vitamin D3 strengthens the immune system and you can get it naturally from the sun. Being outdoors also gives them plenty of time to run around and get their much-needed exercise for the day, which in turn will help them to sleep better at night and improve their overall energy levels. This is essential to maximizing results while they are learning, which, after all, is the whole point of school in the first place, right? Recess is an important part of your children’s school day, so make sure it is implemented into their schedule, whether they are homeschooled or attend public school.
4. Pack a healthy lunch. This ensures that you know what your children are eating. Cafeteria food may be lacking in nutrients, and if they don’t enjoy it, they could resort to vending machines or pizza to fill their bellies. Neither of these options are good for their energy levels or their health. Furthermore, if they contract an illness, you want to make sure they are able to fight it off as quickly as possible so they don’t miss school days, and eating healthy foods will only help.
5. Get them adjusted regularly. Proper spinal curvature is imperative to your children’s health. The stress of school and carrying heavy back packs can contribute to poor posture and subsequently, poor health. Encourage good posture and make sure they come in regularly for adjustments, especially on days when they’re feeling under the weather.
What other tips do you have for keeping your kids healthy during the school year? Share them with us in the comments below!