Back Pain Epidemic

Number One Visit

The most common reason people see a doctor is due to back pain in America. Whether patients visit for pain relief or endure back surgery, a common medication prescribed is an opioid. The opioid crisis has become an epidemic in itself. Even for mild cases, most Americans are also used to taking an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Instead of accepting the risk of falling into a medicated reliance, there must be another solution to healing these issues.

Providing Another Solution

Most back pain issues start as a mild ache, but over time create a larger issue. Instead of looking for sources to mask pain, we should focus more on what your body is telling you. When your body has a pain response, it signaling that there is a specific cause needing to be healed. Chiropractic care has shared the great connection between the spine and the rest of your entire body. Instead of undergoing unnecessary surgery, or relying on medications, there is another solution to these five underlying causes of back pain.

5 Back Pain Causes + The Solutions

1. Subluxation

Each joint within the spine needs to have movement. A subluxation occurs when there is an interference to the joints, vertebrae, or disks. We sit 90% of our day from things such as sitting at work, sports injury, sleeping wrong, and more. This creates a stress response, like back pain.

Solution: Go to a chiropractor to get consulted, x-rayed, and then adjusted to remove subluxations within the spine.

2. Inflammation

There can be inflammation within your apophyseal joints. These joints can be jammed. It is most common with anyone who has a pelvic tilt, athletes, or people who sleep on their stomachs. If you have forward head posture, your joints can lock up as well. When these are inflamed, it can cause back pain.

Solution: Strengthen and stretch your hip flexors and hip extensors. Also, eliminated foods that increase inflammation.

3. Disk Issues

This can include disk herniation, a bulging disk, disk degeneration, or broken disk. Inside our fluid-filled disks, there are ligaments. Movement creates the flow of old fluid and new fluid. You can also tear these ligaments over time and loss the proper curve in your spine which then distributes weight on your spine improperly. This will eventually cause back pain.

Solution: Prioritize movement daily, which can also be used as preventative care. Perform a full range of motion exercises.

4. Organic Issues

Kidney issues, like kidney stones, can cause a dull aching pain. Digestive issues, like constipation, can cause back pain. Added pressure while pregnant can also cause back pain. Upper back pain can be signaling gull bladder issues, such as inflammation.

Solution: Consult with your chiropractor on nutrition to heal the gut. Also, getting specific adjustments to the spinal regions connected to these organs.

5. Muscle Strain/Tear

This is the least common issue that stems from back pain. Most people assume this is the issue because of your muscles spasm. Car accidents or sports injuries typically cause this and would be considered as an acute injury as opposed to the other causes.

Solution: Have your chiropractor take x-rays to see all possible reasons for back pain to identify this cause. Rest and adjustments will allow your body to properly heal itself.