7 Easy & Practical Habits That Will Change Your Life

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “change your habits, change your life.” (It’s also the title of a best-selling book!) As a Charlotte chiropractic clinic who has worked with hundreds of patients to help them transform their health and life through positive habits, we can attest to this statement being true.

But as another popular saying goes, “old habits die hard.” Because we realize that it can be difficult for many people to make big changes (especially multiple changes all at one time), we’re giving you some easy, fast, and practical new habits that you can implement right away and watch your life transform! (In the corporate world, they call these “quick wins”.)

Habit 1: Read (or listen to) one new book each month.

If you don’t like to read, audio books are a great solution. Choose a title that will develop a positive mindset, build your confidence, and steer you toward achieving your life and business goals.

Habit 2: Drink a tall glass of water first thing in the morning.

Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining your health, and drinking a tall (16 oz.) glass of water first thing in the morning improves hydration and helps with weight loss. Just remember to drink at least 4 more of those tall glasses throughout the day, and you’ll notice a positive difference in how you feel!

Habit 3: Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier.

And don’t hit the snooze button, as tempting as it may be! Getting up earlier will improve your productivity. Spend those 30 minutes doing something you normally wouldn’t do for lack of time, such as reading, meditating, or exercising. Now you’ll have no excuses NOT to get that workout in.

Habit 4: Compliment yourself.

This may sound silly, but words of affirmation can be life-changing. Rather than relying on other people to affirm you, as many people do, you can get into the daily habit of affirming yourself. It’s as simple as waking up, going into the bathroom in the morning, standing in front of your mirror, and telling yourself how awesome you are. Watch this video for some inspiration. ;)

Habit 5: Focus on one thing at a time.

Remember when orange was the new black? Now, it’s multitasking. And according to recent research, it’s killing our productivity. Rather than trying to do many different things at once, try focusing on just one thing at a time and watch your efficiency and productivity go through the roof!

Habit 6: Smile.

Smile at yourself in front of the mirror. Smile at the barista when you buy your morning coffee. Smile at your neighbor while you’re on your morning run. Smile at your coworkers when you walk into work. You’d be surprised how this small change can positively transform your entire day. Not only that, it’s contagious! Your happiness will radiate out toward and through you, right into the people you come in contact with.

Habit 7: Get organized.

This isn’t necessarily a daily habit. It can be something you do all at once and repeat every month, every quarter, or as often as you need. Think about how much more difficult it is to get things done when your workspace is cluttered. A neat, organized environment will reduce stress and improve your productivity by a mile. If organization is not your strong suit, you can hire a personal assistant to do it for you.

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